DCP Australia has launched it’s proprietary On Demand Video Encryption system aimed at the mp4 distribution market. Under normal film distribution models, hard drives with DCPs are sent to cinemas, but as distribution models evolve, more and more regional areas and clubs like RSLs are included in marketing strategies. These smaller clubs and halls don’t have the facility to play DCPs and usually screen from mp4, DVD or BluRay formats. These formats don’t have the added security of encryption like DCPs do, leaving film makers vulnerable for misuse of their content.The aim of our system is to make a streamlined process where encrypted mp4s can be sent to remote areas and easily downloaded and screened. The files are totally secure, they cannot be copied onto other computers or ripped. Film makers can rest easy knowing their films can reach a very wide audience without the risks of their films ending up on Pirate Bay. The system is already in operation and is available for testing by distributors. Contact service@dcpaustralia.com for more information.